The Scannibal Modules
A scanned sequencer that offers flexible, precise control over the individual steps.
DHE Modules includes three Scannibal modules:
- Scannibal 4 (shown).
- Scannibal 8.
- Scannibal 16.
The three modules operate identically, except for the number of steps.
- Controls (below)
- Operation (below)
- J and S Curves
The Φ input is the scanner phase signal that drives the module. Scannibal maps a 0–10V signal to the “phase” range: 0–1. Voltages outside of 0–10V are “wrapped” into the phase range.
A, B, and C: Three input signals that each anchor can sample or track.
Step Controls
Each step has two “anchors” that determine the voltages between which the step interpolates. When the step phase is 0, the step emits the voltage reported by the Φ=0 anchor. When the step phase is 1, the step emits the voltage reported by the Φ=1 anchor. When the step phase is between 0 and 1, the step interpolates between the anchor voltages along a curve specified by the curve controls.
Each anchor has three controls:
The MODE button (the top button) determines whether the anchor reports a sampled voltage or the current voltage.
SAMPL: The anchor reports the voltage that it sampled from its source when the step became active.
TRACK: The anchor reports the current voltage of its source.
The SOURCE button (below the MODE button) specifies where the anchor gets the voltage it reports. The possible sources are:
- The anchor’s LEVEL knob.
- The A, B, or C input port.
- The OUT port.
The anchor LEVEL knob sets the voltage of the anchor’s level source. The range of the knob is determined by the global UNI / BI range switch. This knob is used only when LEVEL is selected as the anchor’s SOURCE.
The [ Φ ] “phase width” knob increases or decreases the proportion of the scanner phase during which this step is active. Turning the knob clockwise makes the step active during more of the scanner phase.
Setting a step’s phase width to 0 disables the step. Setting all steps’ phase widths to 0 pauses the sequence.
The SHAPE button selects the shape (J or S) of the step’s interpolation curve.
The CURVE knob sets the curvature of the step’s interpolation curve.
Global Controls
The STEPS knob selects the steps that participate in the sequence. Bracket-shaped markers surround the PROGRESS lights of the selected steps.
The UNI / BI switch selects the range of the anchors’ LEVEL knobs.
PROGRESS lights at the top of the module show the step phase of the active step. The color of the light progresses from red at step phase 0 to green at step phase 1.
STEP # identifies the active step, represented as \(\frac{10s}{N}\) volts, where
- s is the number of the active step
- N is the module’s largest step number
If every step’s phase width is 0, the sequencer is paused, and the STEP # port emits 0V.
STEP Φ emits a signal that represents the step phase of the active step, from 0V at phase 0 to 10V at phase 1.
OUT emits the voltage generated by the active step.
step and step phasePhase width –>