How to Convert Curve Sequencer Presets to Sequencizer Presets

The Curve Sequencer modules are deprecated. This guide explains how to convert a Curve Sequencer preset to use a Sequencizer instead.

The key differences between Curve Sequencer and Sequencizer:


Converting Generate Modes

In Curve Sequencer, the generate mode determines what kind of curve the step produces. In Sequencizer, the curve is determined by the START and END anchors, each of which has a source (LEVEL, A, B, C, or OUT) and a mode (SMPL or TRACK).

Generate Mode: CURVE

In Curve Sequencer, curve mode generates a curve starting from whatever voltage the sequencer was emitting when the step started, and prograssing to the voltage set by the LEVEL knob.

To achieve the same effect in Sequencizer: Curve Mode

Generate Mode: HOLD

In Curve Sequencer, hold mode emits whatever voltage the sequencer was emitting when the step started.

To achieve the same effect in Sequencizer: Hold Mode

Generate Mode: SUST

In Curve Sequencer, sust mode emits whatever voltage the sequencer was emitting when the step started.

To achieve the same effect in Sequencizer: Sustain Mode

Generate Mode: INPUT

In Curve Sequencer, input mode emits the voltage at the IN port.

To achieve the same effect in Sequencizer: Input Mode

Generate Mode: CHASE

In Curve Sequencer, chase mode “chases” the input by progressing from the sequence’s current voltage to the voltage at the IN port.

To achieve the same effect in Sequencizer: Chase Mode

Converting Advance Modes

In Curve Sequencer, each step’s advance mode determines when the sequence advances from the current step to the next. In Sequencizer, advancement is controlled by the TRIG, INT, and SUST controls.

Advance Mode: TIME

In Curve Sequencer, time mode causes the step to proceed for its full duration, regardless of what happens at the GATE input. The sequence then automatically advances to the next step.

To achieve the same effect in Sequencizer: Time Mode

Advance Mode: RISE, FALL, EDGE, HIGH, and LOW

In Curve Sequencer, when the GATE condition matches the selected advance mode, the current step is interrupted, and the sequence advances to the next step.

To achieve the same effect in Sequencizer: Interrupt Mode