The Cubic Module
Transforms its input signal by offsetting, scaling, squaring, and cubing it.
Cubic calculates the function:
- y = ax3 + bx2 + cx1 + dx0
which (because x1 = x and x0 = 1) can be written as:
- y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d
Take care when applying Cubic to an audio signal.
WARNING: Cubic can emit voltages far outside the safe audio range (-5 to 5V). See the usage guide for details.
WARNING: The x2 and x0 knobs can generate a very large DC bias. See the usage guide for details.
IN: The gain to apply to the IN signal to produce the value of x for the equation. The range is 0 to 2.
x3: The amount of x cubed to add to y — the a coefficient for the ax3 term of the equation. The range is -2 to 2.
x2: The amount of x squared to add to y — the b coefficient for the bx2 term of the equation. The range is -2 to 2.
x1: The amount of x to add to y — the c coefficient for the cx1 term of the equation. This acts as a attenuverter with a range of -2 to 2.
x0: The constant to add to y — the d coefficient for the dx0 term of the equation. This acts as a DC offset with a range of -10 to 10V.
OUT: The gain to apply to y before sending it to the OUT port. The range is 0 to 2.
IN: The input signal to transform.
OUT: The transformed signal.
CV: A control voltage signal to modulate the associated parameter.
Using Cubic
- Cubic excels at transforming a simple modulation signal, such as a sawtooth or triangle wave, into something more interesting.
- To generate a constant voltage, adjust x0 and leave all other controls at 0. The range is -10V to 10V (which you can amplify using the OUT gain).
- To use Cubic as an attenuverter, adjust x1 and leave all other controls at 0. The range is -2 to 2 (which you can further amplify using the OUT gain).
- By default, all of Cubic’s controls are set to 0. While this makes the default patch essentially useless, it does make it easier to set any control to 0.
- WARNING: Cubic can generate voltages far outside the safe audio range of -5 to 5V. If you apply Cubic to an audio signal, adjust the IN and OUT gain to keep the output signal in the safe audio range.
- WARNING: The x2 and x0 controls can generate a signficant DC bias. If you apply x2 and x0 to an audio signal, adjust the IN and OUT gain to keep the output signal in the safe audio range (-5 to 5V). The x2 and x0 controls can each, to some extent, compensate for the DC bias generated by the other.