Techniques and Variations

See also:

Wiring a Multi-Stage Envelope

The usual way to wire Stage, Booster Stage, Hostage, and Upstage modules into multi-stage envelopes is:

  1. Place the modules side-by-side in the order you want them to execute.
  2. Connect each output to the input on its right.

For example, suppose you want generate a four-stage envelope using Stage modules:

Four Stage Modules

Notice how:

That is your clue to wiring the modules together:

Here is the result:

Four Connected Stage Modules

Now all that remains is to connect a trigger source to the first stage, connect the final stage’s output to whatever parameter you want your envelope to modulate, and adjust the levels, curves, and durations to taste.

Note: Hostage has a GATE port instead of a TRIG port. Upstage has a different set of ports. But even these modules’ ports are arranged so that the usual wiring scheme — “connect each module’s outputs to its successor’s inputs” — usually applies. See the examples below for details and exceptions.

Setting Levels

Adding a Hold Stage

The Hostage module is designed specifically to create hold and sustain stages.

A hold stage holds the envelope voltage constant for a given duration.

With a hold stage, you can generate an Attack-Hold-Release or Attack-Decay-Hold-Release Envelope.

To generate a hold stage with Hostage:

Hostage holds the voltage at the level where the previous stage ended. It offers a knob, a range switch, and CV modulation to set the duration of the hold stage.

Adding a Sustain Stage

The Hostage module is designed specifically to create hold and sustain stages.

A sustain stage sustains a constant envelope voltage as long as the sustain gate is up.

With a sustain stage, you can generate an Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release Envelope.

The wiring for a sustain stage differs from the usual scheme. Note the bold text below.

To generate a sustain stage with Hostage:

Hostage sustains the voltage at the level where the previous stage ended as long as the gate remains up.

Making Envelopes Retriggerable

Each multi-stage envelope shown in Generating Multi-Stage Envelopes is retriggerable. If a trigger arrives while an envelope is in progress, the new trigger interrupts the in-progress envelope and begins a new one.

The general rule of retriggering for Stage, Booster Stage, Hostage, and Upstage modules is:

Unless you take steps to suppress retriggers while an envelope is in progress, the envelope is retriggerable.

For example, here is a retriggerable ADHR envelope:

Retriggerable Envelope

The cyan scope trace shows the envelope. The magenta trace shows the incoming triggers.

Notice that when a new trigger arrives while the release stage is still in progress, the trigger interrupts the release stage and starts a new envelope.

Making Envelopes Uninterruptible

If you want to prevent incoming triggers from interrupting in-progress envelopes:

For example, here is an uninterruptible ADHR envelope:

Uninterruptible Envelope

The cyan scope trace shows the envelope. The magenta trace shows multiple triggers arriving during each iteration of the envelope.

With this configuration, whenever an envelope is in progress, the final stage’s ACTIVE signal tells Upstage to suppress incoming triggers. When the envelope finishes, Upstage resumes forwarding incoming triggers to the first stage.

Looping Envelopes

To generate a looping envelope, we need to

And we might want a way to stop or retrigger a looping envelope.

Upstage and Booster Stage offer ways to control looping envelopes.

Controlling Loops With Upstage

Here is a looping ADHR envelope using Upstage:

Looping with Upstage

You can use Upstage’s buttons to start, stop, and retrigger the loop.

Weird Fact: You an also stop the loop by pressing the TRIG button (causing the loop to restart) and holding it until the final stage finishes.

Controlling Loops With Booster Stage

Here is a looping ADHR envelope using Booster Stage:

Looping with Booster Stage

You can use Booster Stage’s buttons to start, stop, and retrigger the loop.

I leave it as an exercise for the reader to discover when and at what voltage each button stops the envelope.

If you want a gentler, more controlled stop, use Upstage and its WAIT button to control the loop.
